
The human psyche is stimulated by many influences. Sometimes an employee is overwhelmed by tasks and begins to brood, sleep poorly and sooner or later suffers from symptoms of exhaustion.

This in turn is reflected in performance and possibly in increased sickness absences. At this point at the latest, the employer usually becomes active and the pressure is unconsciously increased. The spiral continues downwards.

Discussions with an external person can untie the knot and raise the issues to the surface in confidence. As the external person is not biased because they do not know your employee. Therefore, it is often possible to get to the bottom of the problems and recommend possible countermeasures in a short space of time.

What is important here is that I have no therapeutic training, but I have a lot of experience in dealing with employees who are irritated and stuck in a hole. Accordingly, I can make a big difference primarily in the «environment» area, which quickly has a positive effect on the psyche.

Mitarbeitende sind der Schlüssel für den Unternehmenserfolg! Geben Sie ihnen daher eine Chance, wenn mal etwas Sand im Getriebe ist – sie werden es Ihnen danken.
Employees are the key to the company's success! So give them a chance if there is a bit of sand in the gearbox  — they will thank you.

My services

I am happy to support you in all challenges in quality management, plant and production management and in various areas of information technology, be it as CIO a.i. or as a trainer/consultant in the field of cybercrime. My experience in many leadership situations is the key to good coaching. Be it in the professional or human area. If professional problems can be solved, the personal and sometimes also the physical problems are usually solved.

I can provide your employees with the necessary support and help them to regain their former strength as soon as possible. You can find my milestones and successes in my project overview.

Contact me to clarify the details and my options during an initial consultation.